Wise Scene/Dimming Receiver 700mA 45W


SKU: WISESCENE 700mA Categories: , Tags: , , ,


The Wise Scene 700mA Receiver is a 45W 700mA dimmer that is controlled by wireless switches or by a push-to-make switch. It can dim 700mA LEDs. It can be programmed in 4 different ways using our wireless switches:

Option A – Scene Programming
Programming a 7 button switch gives you 4 scenes, master raise/lower and off. A scene is a preset level of light for each circuit in a room. For example, you can have 4 receivers in your living room. Pressing scene 1 on the 7 button switch could give the following;
Downlights = 100%
Wall lights = 80%
Pendant = Off
Low level LEDs = 55%
Pressing scenes 2,3 and 4 can give other preset levels. Any level can be programmed to each receiver.

Option B – Dimming Programming
Programming a 1 button switch gives you on/off with a quick press and dimming up and down while holding the switch. When turning the lights on you can choose to always bring on the lights at 100% or the last dimmed level.

Option C – Switching ON only

Programming a 1 button switch gives you only ON. This function is used to program multiple circuits to ON.

Option D – Switching OFF only

Programming a 1 button switch gives you only OFF. This function is used to program multiple circuits to OFF.

A receiver is not limited to one of the programming options. E.g. you can program a switch for scene control, another switch for dimming and another switch for master ON/OFF.

Wireless Switches and Remotes
A 7 button switch must be used if you require scene setting, Option A. Any button switch can be used when programming options B,C and D. To view other switches click the links on the right of this page, for example Wireless ID switches.

Power Supply
The Wise Scene Receiver requires a 24V DC power supply. Choose the wattage of the power supply that matches your load.

A wired push-to-make switch will work as a dimmer, Option B.

A Wise Scene Receiver is required for every circuit.

Wise Controls Introduction Video

Additional information

Dimensions 165.0 × 47.0 × 35.0 mm